In November 2023, I asked ChatGPT 3.5 this question: "What is 75 days from September 12, 2023?”
Here's how it responded.
I'm no math whiz, but that looked wrong to me.
So, I rephrased the question with a different date.
I’m no AI, but I was certain there was no such thing as December 33, let alone December 94.
So, I tried a different angle.
Note: I was just trying to determine when a customer will pay me for my submitted invoice. This is why I asked.
I added more details to help ChatGPT out.
I thought December 31, 2023, would be great! But unfortunately, it's not right.
At this point, I realized that I should change my lackadaisical approach to invoicing to avoid this in the future. I should've just asked Google. When I did, it quickly displayed the correct date.
Now that I know the date, I can note it in my calendar and be on my way. Right?
Nope. Now that I’ve fallen into this rabbit hole, I needed a way out. I uploaded the screenshot of ChatGPT 3.5's response to ChatGPT 4.0.
I think ChatGPT 4.0 was appalled at ChatGPT 3.5's response to my questions, possibly outright embarrassed at its cousin. But who doesn’t have that one-of-a-kind cousin? Like that commercial, “Your Cousin From Boston.”
Here’s how the chat went after I uploaded ChatGPT’s response.
UPDATE: Since this saga, ChatGPT has learned from its mistakes. I, on the other hand, still have a lax accounting approach. The good news is that I did get paid much earlier.